Client Performance Statistics

To view Client Statistics:

  1. Go to Statistics > Clients and select a target Site.
  2. Select a target Client.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the display and select adjacent to Statistics to expand the display and view client performance statistics.

Example of Client Statistics Display shows an example of a client statistics display.

Click to expand in new window
Example of Client Statistics Display

Client performance statistics are arranged under the following panes (left-to-right, top-to-bottom):

RF Quality

Client Performance Statistics – Example RF Quality Display shows an example RF Quality display for a client.

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Client Performance Statistics – Example RF Quality Display

Client Performance Statistics – RF Quality Description describes the information displayed.

Table 1. Client Performance Statistics – RF Quality Description
Widget/Field Description
Index Displays an integer indicating the overall RF performance for the selected client. The RF quality indices are:
  • 0 – 50 (Poor)
  • 50 – 75 (Acceptable)
  • 75 – 100 (Good)
Signal Displays the power of the radio signals (in –dBm) for the selected client.
SNR Displays the selected client's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A high SNR could warrant a different AP connection to improve performance.
Noise Displays the level of noise (in –dbm) in the client-connected radio signal.


Client Performance Statistics – Example Retries Display shows an example of a Retries display for a client.

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Client Performance Statistics – Example Retries Display

Table 2. Client Performance Statistics – Retries Description
Widget/Field Description
Index Displays the average number of retries per packet (and a performance indicator). A high Index number indicates possible network or hardware problems. Assess the error rate with respect to potentially high signal and SNR values to determine whether the error rate coincides with a noisy signal.
Rate Displays the average number of retries per packet. A high number indicates possible network or hardware problems.
Octets Displays the total number of transmitted retried octets (bytes) with no errors.
Attempts Displays the number of retry connection attempts for multi-user multiple input, multiple output (MU-MIMO) and Single-user multiple input, multiple output (SU-MIMO) transmissions between the selected client and its associated AP.


Traffic widgets display statistics on the traffic generated and received by the selected client. Hover over widgets to view detailed statistics.

Client Performance Statistics – Example Traffic Display shows an example of a Traffic display.

Click to expand in new window
Client Performance Statistics – Example Traffic Display

Client Performance Statistics – Traffic Description describes the information displayed.

Table 3. Client Performance Statistics – Traffic Description
Widget/Field Description

The traffic Index measures how efficiently the traffic medium is utilized. It is defined as the percentage of current throughput relative to the maximum possible throughput.

Traffic indices are:

  • 0 – 20 (Very low utilization)
  • 20 – 40 (Low utilization)
  • 40 – 60 (Moderate utilization)
  • 60 and above (High utilization)
Packets Displays the total number of packets transmitted and received by the selected client.
Bytes Displays the total TX and RX bytes processed by the selected client.
Throughput Displays the total amount user data transmitted and received by the selected client (in bytes).
Rate Displays the average user data rate in both directions.
PPS Displays the average packet rate at the physical layer in both directions.

The following performance statistics are displayed:

  • The number of receive Actions during data transmission with the client's connected AP.
  • The number of Probes received. A probe is a program or other device inserted at a key juncture in a network for the purpose of monitoring or collecting data about network activity.
  • The number of power save events using the PSP (Power Save Poll ) mode. Power Save Poll is a protocol that helps to reduce the amount of time a radio needs to be powered. PSP allows the WiFi adapter to notify the AP when the radio is powered down. The AP holds back any network packet to be sent to this radio.
  • The number of Errors encountered during data transmission. The higher the error rate, the less reliable the connection or data transfer between the client and connected AP.
  • Displays the distribution of Broadcast/Multicast, Management, and Unicast packets received by the client.

The following performance statistics are displayed:

  • The total number of SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO Packets transmitted to the client by its connected AP.
  • The total number of SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO Bytes transmitted to and processed by the client.
  • The total amount user data sent by the selected client during SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO transmissions (in bytes).
  • The number of power save events during SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO transmissions using the PSP (Power Save Poll ) mode. Power Save Poll is a protocol that helps to reduce the amount of time a radio needs to be powered. PSP allows the WiFi adapter to notify the AP when the radio is powered down. The AP holds back any network packet to be sent to this radio.
  • Displays the distribution of Broadcast/Multicast, Management, and Unicast packets transmitted by the selected client.